Thursday, January 5, 2012

James Torrence X Box star of Paul North of Pita , Italy that X box was so important that a small boy died hang himself , Paul gay blade or for who what Lord or Baron Tank Park ,England


Ayterion said...

This is the X box lier who got Paul to give him free x box movie see Parkland , College , who lied with Steve Burton before they went to Italy collected money on insurance blackmailed the Baron in Italy and did this all before going to Italy first time like his mother

Ayterion said...

See Paul relateship who designed the Villa in Northern Pita who arrange for a Baron of friend of Italian so called King who is Joe of head of Israel Zion son of Joe Mounti Christ and lawyer , Gallory Art drug mover Canadaian art gallory name means Satan backward and Duke in England mother married to Queen cousin Jasper Mounbatten mother and blackmails Hollywood , Children poppies which they know and they all so do to children all over Russell Sage mandate