Friday, December 23, 2011

Max , Billy and Bridget All rights Rev , terry welch al-shhri


Ayterion said...

"Jackie Mundo , Amy standing , Marci , Mike who post shit on Anne book for the child sex star slave of five english lawyer and over an X box all the kids in HF high school on Carra street are being watched including Nina at the Glass building where they are on weekends Bridget Storrs neighbor and John Marshall Law scho

Ayterion said...

With ALL -State , Blue Cross sharing money for miltary and then charging people for watching me with my family and Flower of life and many others

Ayterion said...

CIA Farm great at making fake badges

Theo ( from central america lover Ryan he is watching as payment ) the one guy who work for Jim taken by Sandra Micheal to watch Jim and Terry ,and Doyuk daughter in Sarasota ,