Saturday, June 9, 2007

Perfect Science Symposium

Speech Prepared for
World Water Day
Beijing, China
March 18-22, 1996

Ladies and gentlemen and esteemed colleagues of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, it is the very great pleasure of Perfect Science of Istanbul, Turkey to present to this historic gathering comprehensive solutions to the water and sanitation crises presently confronting all industrialized and developing countries. Perfect Science has developed the Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program for the express purpose of assisting all sovereign nations and their peoples in the task of stabilizing the collapsing ecosystems of Planet Earth in accordance with United Nations resolution 44/228. The complete Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program will be unveiled at the upcoming United Nations Habitat 11 Summit in Istanbul.

Perfect Science has developed, in conjunction with the Turkish Government, unique methodologies which permit for the immediate purification of all global drinking water supplies presently degraded by toxic industrial waste streams and human waste water streams. The Perfect Science purification methodologies will permit all sovereign nations to concurrently initiate complete restoration of all contaminated aquifers and fresh water reservoirs within their sovereign territories. The scientific technique behind this wondrous accomplishment will be fully revealed to all world governments and their scientists at Habitat 11 in Istanbul.

The challenge today is for this august body to move from the paradigm of poison to the paradigm of purification. The paradigm of poison has been the pathway to this critical World Water Conference. Fresh water supplies, once bountiful are increasingly degraded by industrial poisons and human wastes. The paradigm of poison is premised on the persistence of these industrial and human wastes in the drinking water supplies.

Within the paradigm of poison, the compounded effect of increased global industrialization and population growth will easily generate enough persistent toxins to effectively create a global drinking water catastrophe. The global water catastrophe will be the direct result of an exponential increase of persistent toxic industrial and human wastes impacting upon the fresh water supplies throughout the world. The obvious conclusion within the paradigm of poison is eventual collapse as stated in U.N. resolution 44/228.

Perfect Science is therefore most honored to present to this World Water Conference the paradigm of purification. Within this new paradigm of purification there is no water crisis. There is merely the challenge of implementing the solution. Within this new paradigm of purification, there is no fear of degraded fresh water supplies. Utilizing the Perfect Science purification methodologies, persistent and toxic industrial and human wastes can now be easily destroyed, creating vast resources of readily available fresh drinking water across the globe. Utilizing the Perfect Science purification methodologies, industrial waste streams and urban sewage can now be completely neutralized before their discharge into the environment. This revolutionary process of neutralization will prevent recurrent degradation of purified drinking water supplies. Within the paradigm of purification there will be plentiful resources of fresh drinking water supplies of the 21st century. Perfect Science grants that, as stated in the aide memoir, the greatest challenge confronting the human family is the management of increasingly threatened water resources. Yet Perfect Science is here today to underscore the elimination of this threat. Perfect Science is making available to all nations cost-effective water purification methodologies that until now almost seemed impossible to consider. It is now within the grasp of all nations and their peoples to restore the ecological balance of planet Earth, swiftly and completely.

It is utmost importance for all attending this conference to know that the Perfect Science Environmental Purification Technologies have the capacity to not only purify all global drinking water supplies, but at the same time, these purification methodologies can be applied for restoration of polluted surface waters, polluted global soils and polluted global atmospheres. Destruction of toxins in surface waters will restore aquatic food chains across the globe. Destruction of toxins in polluted soils will restore agriculture bounty across the globe. As will be fully revealed, in Istanbul, at Habitat 11, Perfect Science has truly developed a comprehensive global program for stabilization of collapsing ecosystems.

Perfect Science is presently poised to assist all sovereign nations in developing the ways and means of removing industrial toxins from polluted drinking water supplies, surface waters, soils and atmospheres. This historic capability will transform the negative economic and social trends stemming from the present global toxicity crisis. The Perfect Science Environmental Purification Technologies now permit,for the first time in global industrial history, the development of such positive economic and social trends that the course of present human development will be changed forever. Perfect Science is here to inform all participants that all planetary ecosystems can be repaired without compromising continued industrial development. The Perfect Science Worldwide Environmental Purification Program reconciles the simultaneous demand of sustainable development with increasing industrial growth throughout developing nations.

Let us make a covenant, today, to bury the paradigm of pollution and poison, and, in unison, give birth to the new and exciting paradigm of purification, where the human condition is freed once and for all from the threat of global ecocide.

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Copyright © 1999 Perfect Science
Last modified: August 7, 1999

Perfect Science Symposium: "Speech Prepared for
World Water Day
Beijing, China
March 18-22, 1996

Ladies and gentlemen and esteemed colleagues of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, it is the very great pleasure of Perfect Science of Istanbul, Turkey to present to this historic gathering comprehensive solutions to the water and sanitation crises presently confronting all industrialized and developing countries. Perfect Science has developed the Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program for the express purpose of assisting all sovereign nations and their peoples in the task of stabilizing the collapsing ecosystems of Planet Earth in accordance with United Nations resolution 44/228. The complete Perfect Science Worldwide Purification Program will be unveiled at the upcoming United Nations Habitat 11 Summit in Istanbul.

Perfect Science has developed, in conjunction with the Turkish Government, unique methodologies which permit for the immediate purification of all global drinking water supplies presently degraded by toxic industrial waste streams and human waste water streams. The Perfect Science purification methodologies will permit all sovereign nations to concurrently initiate complete restoration of all contaminated aquifers and fresh water reservoirs within their sovereign territories. The scientific technique behind this wondrous accomplishment will be fully revealed to all world governments and their scientists at Habitat 11 in"

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